Wednesday, January 31, 2007


That's right - Brian, our very own Bolingbrook High School bowling coach, took his 3 year old team to State Championships for bowling. It took place in O'Fallon. They scored the 2nd highest series (3 games) ever in state. GO RAIDERS!! I watched the games online - pressing refresh every couples minutes to get the real time progression of the games.And, I must admit- although I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER watched nor cared to watch the Superbowl - I am watching this year. No I am not being pressured, bullied, coerced or hypnotized - I am watching VERY EXCITEDLY of my own free will and choice. GO BEARS!!! We actually have a friend on the team - Gabe Reid - he lived upstairs from us at BYU.
OTHER NEWS - it looks like our Mommy Tummy Class: The Tupler Technique will be expanding to the Orland Park Park District most likely at the HUGE GIGANTIC 3 STORY SPORTS COMPLEX. We will go in as independant contractors most likely - and get a nice hefty sum for the 1 hour a week that we teach. I am really excited - I feel this will reach out to many more young moms - and Orland Park demographics tend to be more financially stable so people can afford things like taking classes, gyms, etc. It took me like a YEAR to finally make the call to them - it has been in my palm pilot SERIOUSLY for 9 months - thats so embarrassing. I had that item of business to repeat everyday and I procrastinated every day. So anyway, we went out to celebrate at - where else? - TEXAS ROADHOUSE!!! HEE-HAW!

1 comment:

Cami said...

Wow! Congrats on all points, even the Superbowl. I'm happy for your tummy class. I'd probably go, but sadly, there is nothing you can do for my poor tummy--unless you also do plastic surgery!