Monday, May 14, 2007


My husband is SO GREAT!!!!!
I had to laugh - we woke up at 8:30 (with 9:30 am church - building 15 minutes away) - Brian says to me with a yawn, "I was going to make you breakfast in bed, but I woke up too late."

And with good reason - Saturday night/ Sunday Morning he came home at 12:30 midnight from working at Texas Roadhouse. In his hand he had some cute flowers - and some (YUM) Dark Chocolate Lindt Truffles!!!! He knows me SO well!!!!

Then later on, while we spend the day at his parents house (along with Chris and Kami, Tami and Kevin, and Mark - since he just got home from Utah State).

I told myself I did not need anything else for mother's day - it had been a GREAT day. We got homemade chocolate covered pretzels at church (all the moms, that is), and a cute note from Brooke - actually it was a picture of a violin - by Brooke. It was made in Primary, and put into a cute foam fortune cookie.

We had a GREAT meal After Church - steak, salads, watermelon, FABULOUS chocolate cheescake cupcakes - it was awesome.

Then Brian suprised me with a VERY sweet note (my favorite) and the DVD Dreamgirls!!!!! I had been wanting that forever!!!

Well - I have to hand it too him. This is my 5th OFFICIAL mother's Day - and Brian has come through and been soo thoughtful for ALL OF THEM. I couldn't have asked for a better day - OR a better husband!


Cami said...

Fun day! I still don't understand how they think Beyonce is the "main part" of that movie. But whatever. Way to go Brian!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 5th official mother's day bonnie! Man, 5 yrs. of mothering experience. that's impressive! Darcie

Anonymous said...

i'm glad u had a good moms day