So last night was the first time I really ENJOYED Melinda. I think she is good, but it does not usually connect with me. I really thought her sound on "As long as he needs me" was MUCH better than I expected, because of the song it was. And her voice TO ME sounded better on that, than with a lot of runs, and the R and B sound.
On Haley, I REALLY think the judges are too harsh on her - in general. Simon has NEVER liked the more 'Broadway" ish sound produced not only by Haley, but also Katherine McPhee and Clay Aiken. To me, it sounds in many ways, more pleasing, and more melodic, and in many cases, more controlled, accomplished and polished. I think Haley is trying to figure out what the judges want from her because they do not give her consistent remarks, and are undully harsh with her. I think she is GREAT. I like her look and her sound. I just think Simon does not want to PRODUCE what she is. Which is fine - let her go on to do Hairspray or Pirate Queen or something on Broadway - I will be all for that!
So I thought Phil was GREAT last night. He was MUCH MUCH better than he was given credit for. Again (the same thing I thought last season with Katherine McPhee)- am I hearing the same thing the judges are hearing? SERIOUSLY???!?!?! I thought his song was SO fun and I was REALLY into it. And of course, all Randy can ever say is, "It was pitchy" or "Yo, Dog." And Paula might as well just say "ditto" after Randy talks 98% of the time. Anyway - I had LOTS of fun listening to him.
The Last - Chris. I just LOVE him. I don't know exactly WHAT it is - I know he rushed a touch - but other than that - his performance was lots of fun. He has great tone and great controlled vibrato and that "never know what to expect next" personality. Go Chris!
Good thoughts. I like Chris the best, and I think you're right about the others. But where is my Diamonds Are Forever girl (not best song, but nonetheless), and beatboxer? I like them a lot.
Oh, and I think last night was the best of the shows so far. WAY best songs.
Don't you just love Jordin? I am cheering for her big time!
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