Thursday, April 12, 2007


In case your wondering - that is my dad. He likes to explore his many....facets.

Well, We had a GLORIOUS Easter!!! We went down to Jacksonville, where my parents are and hung out for a few days. Brian happened to have Spring Break from School, without any school obligations like coaching or meetings, so we thought we would take a very slight extended stay.

The first night we had a ping-pong, foozeball, and guitar hero marathon, and then we played this REALLY cool game called "Bubble Brain." If you REALLY want to play a group game that will make you laugh - THIS one has got to take the cake!!

We watched "The Testaments" on Easter that my parents gave us. Even though I am NOT a cryer - I almost envy people that can cry - I do cry EVERY TIME at the testaments near the end. I LOVE IT!!

Here are some fun Easter Egg pics, family pics, and Tyler discovering Strawberries dipped in dark chocolate fondue. Oh how he takes after his mother that way!!!! YUM!


Cami said...

Looks fun! I look like that after eating strawberries in chocolate fondue too.

Anonymous said...

dad looks so funny in that green wig